Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration

The Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration in Temple University’s Fox School of Business 准备博士生通过创新的研究和教学来推进他们的领域. This rigorous full-time program trains students to tackle some of the most complex problems facing the contemporary business world.


  • build their research portfolios;
  • expand their ideas using data-driven theories and approaches; and
  • position themselves to become business educators.

工商管理博士综合课程, along with its multiple concentrations, promote interdisciplinary study. PhD faculty partner with students to pursue cutting-edge research that crosses disciplinary boundaries. Small class sizes allow you to work in a close-knit collaborative environment with other students as well as the school’s outstanding research faculty. Fox’s unique culture of mentorship provides students with both academic support and personalized professional guidance. Fox’s relationship with large corporations and local small businesses will also allow you to learn from and network with leading industry experts.

先进的研究中心和研究所提供资源, 当前的数据和行业联系,以支持博士生的成功. Outside the classroom, 你将有充足的机会在区域会议上展示你的研究, national and international conferences. Learn more about research for PhD student at Fox

Choosing Between the PhD and DBA

The Business Administration PhD differs from Fox’s Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) program in several key ways.

  • The PhD program is targeted toward those interested in pursuing research- and scholarship-focused careers in academia. 博士生专注于广泛的理论问题和与商业有关的问题.
  • The DBA is an executive program designed for working professionals with extensive managerial experience—usually 10 to 15 years—who are looking to transform their business. DBA学生调查应用研究问题, 他们的工作通常涉及他们当前专业组织内的问题.


Preparing for the PhD

The Business Research Master of Science program 是为想要攻读博士学位的学生设计的. 学生在核心商业理论方面得到全面的训练, 研究方法和先进的统计分析. Coursework can be customized to support your professional goals and facilitate individual research projects. Graduates can apply for PhD programs and pursue research and scholarship at the doctoral level. 

The Master of Science in Business Research can be completed on a part- or full-time basis and students have up to six years to complete the program. Classes take place on Temple’s Main Campus. Course and curriculum information for the Business Research Master of Science will be added as soon as the Temple University Bulletin for this degree program is available. 有关课程的问题,请发送电子邮件


The Fox PhD in Business Administration offers students the opportunity to focus on one of the following eleven concentrations.

  • Accounting

    追求先进的研究和奖学金的机会与博士学位集中在会计. Earn faculty appointments in Accounting and related departments at top-tier research universities.

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  • Finance

    Gain expertise in areas of asset pricing, banking and corporate finance with the PhD in Finance. Co-author articles and research studies with faculty mentors while preparing for an academic career at a major research university.

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  • 人力资源管理与组织行为学

    Explore a range of complex human resource and organizational issues—from leadership tactics and workplace anger to organizational justice staffing. 与教师导师合作进行联合研究和出版.

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  • Interdisciplinary Study

    发展跨多个业务功能领域的深入知识. Faculty members specialize in accounting, finance, international business, information systems, marketing, neuroscience, statistics, and strategic management. Stay ahead of the competition in today’s rapidly evolving technological environment by adopting a multidisciplinary approach to problem solving.

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  • International Business Administration

    了解在全球范围内经营的企业所面临的广泛挑战. Combined with a functional business minor, the PhD concentration in International Business emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to research within national and international universities.

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  • Management Information Systems

    Advance your knowledge of the design, use, and effects of information technology with the PhD concentration in Management Information Systems. 准备在领先的学术机构进行高影响力的研究项目.

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  • Marketing

    利用经济学的跨学科方法, neuroscience, 心理学和社会学产生创新的市场研究. A PhD concentration in Marketing prepares you to pursue highly competitive research positions at top universities.

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  • Operations and Supply Chain Management

    Develop your theoretical and empirical expertise in the tenets of operations and supply chain services. 探索广泛的主题问题,如如何最大化客户价值, 监督日常运营和长期战略计划, 并在市场中获得竞争优势. The research-based curriculum is specifically tailored to prepare students for academic careers in operations-related departments and major research universities.

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  • Risk Management and Insurance

    发展和运用围绕经济和金融的研究方法. 对金融风险和保险的一系列核心主题进行研究, 同时为顶尖研究机构的职位做准备.

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  • Strategic Management

    建立企业管理,创业,创新和战略的先进知识. Conduct comprehensive research on topics ranging from inter-organizational relationships to technological innovations. 准备在一所重点大学继续你的全职研究.

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  • Tourism and Sport

    把你的工作和研究集中在三个主要领域:经济和资产管理, marketing and social engagement, and strategic management and experience design. 毕业生晋升到提供酒店管理学位的大学的教职岗位, recreation, sport and tourism.

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Classes & Curriculum

必修课程将根据你选择的专业而有所不同, but listed below is a selection of courses available to students pursuing a PhD in Business Administration.

  • Entrepreneurial Thinking and Innovation
  • Information Technology Perspectives
  • Law and Ethics in Business
  • Managing People and Organizations
  • Managing Risk
  • Socioeconomic Context of Business

In addition to traditional courses, 学生还将完成身临其境的实地体验学分, 为他们的研究提供真实世界的背景.


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Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this Doctor of Philosophy offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. 这些学费适用于2024-2025学年.

Pennsylvania resident: $1,000.00 per credit
Out-of-state: $1,250.00 per credit

You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


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